gagging order?

Sunday, 15th October 2006, 11:20am

Someone who knows me has found this blog, which wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t also know some other people who may not like what I’ve written here.

I defend my right to feel the way that I feel, but it may be awkward for me if certain people find this blog and read my thoughts on them, so I’ve edited one post in particular.

Other bloggers have had serious problems with maintaining their anonymity – some have been fired from their jobs for their honesty. I doubt that it would get to that stage with me, but it may be necessary for me to change the focus of the blog, or to move it to another address which wouldn’t be so easily linked with my real identity.

I’ll still have this blog, but I may focus it more on my creative pursuits rather than on my personal life.

Less seriously though, I love this photo of Kate Moss for Agent Provocateur – sometimes I wonder why she’s such an icon, but looking at this pic she’s clearly sex on legs!

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la la la

Saturday, 14th October 2006, 7:55pm

I’m enjoying a lazy weekend right now, recovering from another hectic week.

After work I went to the pub with a few bods from work and had a psuedo leaving do for myself. I’ve never had much luck with leaving dos – I ended up missing one because I didn’t know that  everyone was already hanging out in the back of the club! This one was okay, and we all had a laugh. As the self-proclaimed ‘urban recluse’, I wasn’t totally comfortable there, but it was fine. I’m just not a pub person.

Last night I had an erotic dream about someone I know. We ended up in a hotel somehow and flirted for a while, then I woke up in his arms. I guess I miss having a special someone in my life sometimes. 

I’ve just finished reading Coco and Igor by Chris Greenhalgh – a fictionalized account of the love affair between Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky in the 1920s. It took me ages to start reading it, but I’m glad I did. The author uses vivid details to bring the reader into the story, and I really got a sense of the two protagonists (especially their flaws). I didn’t know much about Chanel or Stravinsky before reading this book, but I’m definitely more interested in their work now.

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Wednesday, 11th October 2006, 6:48pm

2 packages were waiting for me when I arrived home this evening:

Writer’s Digest magazine (Cover story: Write your novel now!)

The Explore! travel brochure

Is the universe trying to tell me something??

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Sunday, 8th October 2006, 9:14am

Went shopping in Peckham yesterday with my mum. There’s nowhere like Peckham, believe me. You’ve got to keep your wits about you there. A few weeks ago Alvin went there by himself to visit his bank. I’d given him the basic location of his bank as I couldn’t go with him. When he got back to work he said that he’d asked various people for directions and they all just ignored him! I told my mum about it and she said that he was lucky that no one tried to mug him!

I’ve been to the Peckham Multiplex with my boss Linda a couple of times. We’ve got a routine of going to the Hope (a rough pub) for a drink before the movie. The last time we were there a bloke called Vince approached us, bought us some drinks then proceeded to tell us that he was a former boxer who had lost touch with his children. He confessed to being an alcoholic and basically drowning his sorrows in the booze. Having written a story about an unhappy ex-boxer, it felt like I was being visited by one of my protagonists.

The first time we went to the Peckham cinema our bags were searched (the first time I’ve been frisked at a cinema). Maybe he thought we were gun runners, drug whores, sexy secret agents with blades of steel, or perhaps he was just checking that we weren’t smuggling in contraband food from outside establishments… whatever. It was hilarious, and I was a little disappointed when it didn’t happen the next time…

I have to go to my cousin’s baby’s christening reception later today. I hate family gatherings, I always get aggro about my weight. I wish I wasn’t teetotal sometimes; it would be useful to have the option of drinking myself into oblivion.


big pimpin’

Saturday, 7th October 2006, 6:15pm

Your Pimp Name Is…

Peachy Dazzle

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Thanks for staying! Come again soon.