Between the Sheets
Saturday, 29th November 2008, 1:24am(via)
Inside Out
Sunday, 23rd November 2008, 12:18amI really enjoyed this short film about a guy who agrees to wear a mood monitor on his chest and be followed by a camera crew all day. He is happy to do this in order to get on TV, but he ends up revealing more about himself than he’d planned. I particularly loved the moment when he comes across something that he’d meant to hide, and his monitor instantly turns red. The end was quite beautiful too.
While I was watching I wondered how it would be if we all wore one of those devices, if our moods and feelings were open for everyone else to see. Would it make life simpler, or more difficult?
Film by Eric Lerner. Music by Sigur Ros. (via Fubiz)
Gender Bender
Wednesday, 19th November 2008, 10:49pmThe artificial intelligence behind the Gender Analyser tool is 62% sure that the writer of this blog is a man.
According to the poll on the site, it’s wrong 47% of the time - so it’s as good as a coin toss. It was also wrong about Joe. Try it out on your blog, and let me know if it’s right about you.
The Quantum of Solace Experience
Thursday, 13th November 2008, 12:56amI’d been waiting to see Quantum of Solace for most of this year, and in the weeks before the release it felt like the everyone else was waiting alongside me. Every other magazine had articles about Bond-style gadgets, or Bond style in general. There has also been loads of aggressive advertising around the movie, e.g. mobile phones, watches, video games, etc.
A couple of weeks before its release I was very happy to see a special clock display in Piccadilly Circus counting down the days, minutes and seconds until the premiere. Even the IMAX had a gorgeous ad display for Quantum on its exterior, though when I enquired about it they said they weren’t actually showing the movie there…
I’ve seen it twice now and may see it again if my mum decides to watch it after she returns from her Caribbean cruise. Although I was familiar with the events of Casino Royale, it had been a while since I’d last seen it, and during my first screening I struggled to remember some of the twists and turns (alliances and betrayals) from Casino which continued in Quantum. Before I saw the movie a second time, I watched Casino again and it all made much more sense, so I wouldn’t recommend seeing Quantum without a refresher.
I’ll try not to include any spoilers by focusing on characterisation and overall themes rather than specific plot points, apart from some basics that you’ve probably read elsewhere. The movie starts where Casino ended, with Bond finding an elusive link to the organisation that led Vesper to her doom and pursuing that lead with enraged focus.
Along the way, he joins forces with Camille Montes (Olga Kurylenko), a resourceful woman who is entangled in her own mission of vengeance. I felt that their characters connected on a deep emotional level due to their shared loss and common enemies. As Dominic Greene (the movie’s main villain) says, they’re “damaged goods.”
Bond also has a brief dalliance with Agent Fields (Gemma Arterton), whom I felt was like a lamb amongst wolves.
Daniel Craig gave an impeccable performance as a broken man, who channels his rage into action. I was also very impressed by Olga Kurylenko, and the way that her character was forced to confront her demons at the end.
Though there were no flashbacks featuring Eva Green, the ghost of Vesper Lynd lingered over this movie, and her death was interpreted for Bond in different ways by several characters.
I wasn’t convinced by the final fight between Bond and Greene. Though Greene was obviously a lunatic, and there was a lot going on generally, I felt that Bond should have been incapacitated a little bit in order to make it more believable as Greene (Mathieu Amalric) was comparatively weedy.
Many critics have bemoaned the lack of the staple Bond motifs: the quips, the sex, the gadgets, etc., but I think that the filmmakers maintained a good balance between telling a compelling story and including some of those elements when appropriate. The opening credits sequence and accompanying theme by Jack White and Alicia Keys were pure 007, with all the sensuous female shapes dancing about.
We still didn’t have Q and all the amazing gadgets, but I was impressed by the MI6 telecommunication interface. There was a hint of sex, but since he’s still grieving for Vesper it wouldn’t have been appropriate for him to have been jumping into bed every 5 minutes. There were some funny moments though, especially with M and Agent Fields.
The filmmakers could have taken the easy option and started this movie a few years after Vesper’s death, but I think that it was more compelling to continue the story started in Casino Royale as a stage in the character’s development. I have a feeling that the next Bond movie will have more of those familiar elements as he grows into the jaded superagent that he’s destined to become.
Though Quantum is the shortest Bond movie at 106 mins, it makes very good use of the time. In any story there are times of action, and other slower moments for conveying information and to give us a chance to catch our breath; in Quantum there were several times when a brief informative scene was dramatically interrupted by a surprising event, which would then lead back into an action sequence.
The action scenes were amazing too - James is certainly pushed to his physical limits in this movie. Whether in a car, on a plane or on foot, he can handle any foe. There have been comments on similarities to the Bourne movies, but I feel that any technical similarities are superficial as the motivations driving Bond and Bourne are so different.
At the beginning of Casino Royale, Bond launches his career as a double-0 agent with his first two kills, but in Quantum of Solace he becomes a killing machine, seemingly finding it more expedient to kill a suspected target than to capture him for interrogation. He also doesn’t seem to have much reverence for the dead; when a friend of his turns up dead, his discards the corpse without a thought. At one point he even gives Camille tips on how to kill her target.
In both movies, Bond has to overcome an obstacle placed in his way by a woman after he goes too far. In Casino Royale, Vesper refuses to give him any more money after he allows Le Chiffre to trick him but is subsequently financed by a friendly CIA agent. In Quantum of Solace, M tries to shut him down when he appears to be out of control, but a friend helps him to carry on with his plans.
I also found it interesting that in both movies, Bond’s nemeses were sadistic businessmen rather than the more idiosyncratic supervillains of previous Bond movies. Dominic Greene uses the current focus on environmental issues as a front for his evildoing. In real life, it has struck me that many corporations have recently embraced our collective concern for saving physical resources simply to save money or for the sake of appearances - if the general public didn’t care about it, they wouldn’t bother either.
In addition, one of the themes that came across quite strongly in Quantum was the fact that both the American and British governments were amenable to working with dictators and others with questionable motives when it suited their interests (remind you of anything?). In these ways Quantum of Solace brings to mind the hidden machinations of our troubled modern times.
Urban Recluse Rating:
Further reading:
Sunday, 9th November 2008, 5:42pmJust a couple of recent Beyoncé videos for fun.
Single Ladies reminds me of those energetic 60s dance clips, and it’s simple but effective. Not sure about the Robocop glove thing though.
Alpha Beta Meme
Sunday, 9th November 2008, 5:04pmSamuraiFrog tagged me to do this Alphabet movie meme, which was started by Fletch at Blog Cabins.
The rules:
1. Pick one film to represent each letter of the alphabet.
2. The letter “A” and the word “The” do not count as the beginning of a film’s title, unless the film is simply titled A or The, and I don’t know of any films with those titles.
3. Return of the Jedi belongs under “R,” not “S” as in Star Wars Episode IV: Return of the Jedi. This rule applies to all films in the original Star Wars trilogy; all that followed start with “S.” Similarly, Raiders of the Lost Ark belongs under “R,” not “I” as in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Conversely, all films in the LOTR series belong under “L” and all films in the Chronicles of Narnia series belong under “C,” as that’s what those filmmakers called their films from the start. In other words, movies are stuck with the titles their owners gave them at the time of their theatrical release. Use your better judgement to apply the above rule to any series/films not mentioned.
4. Films that start with a number are filed under the first letter of their number’s word. 12 Monkeys would be filed under “T.”
5. Link back to Blog Cabins in your post so that I can eventually type “alphabet meme” into Google and come up #1, then make a post where I declare that I am the King of Google.
6. If you’re selected, you have to then select 5 more people.
Batman Begins
Casino Royale
Enter the Dragon
Fight Club
Gangs of New York
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
I am Legend
Kung Fu Panda
Lost Boys, The
Matrix, The
Nightwatch, The
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer
Quantum of Solace
Running Man, The
Terminator 2
X-Men: The Last Stand
Young Guns
The Script
Saturday, 8th November 2008, 11:45pmI discovered this soulful Irish band through a free Itunes download, and have subsequently enjoyed several tracks from their debut album.
The following song, Breakeven, is so beautiful and I can’t stop listening to it at the moment.
Word Pictures
Thursday, 6th November 2008, 6:00pmA woman in her early twenties sits opposite me on the train, reading an old edition of The Great Gatsby. She mouths the words as she reads, and her fingers hold a colourful postcard (bookmark) against the bookcover. Tendrils of her blonde hair peek out from under her dark tea cosy hat.
A trio of women wearing Sexy Santa outfits smile to each other as they eat standing up in a mini McDonalds. Their short skirts and long legs attract attention from everyone in the vicinity.
A cold and cloudless night. I look up as I walk home and see dozens of stars. I assume that the brighter ones are airplanes, but as I keep on looking, they don’t appear to move.
An elderly man strolls through Brixton, wearing short baggy trousers and smoking a pipe.
A young guy waits at a bus stop on Halloween night, a small pair of horns protruding from his forehead. They look very natural, very HellBoy.
I visit a Chinese takeaway near my workplace. As I wait for my meal I feel someone’s gaze and notice a young man looking at me. I look away nervously, but he continues to stare at me intently. Then his food arrives (Chicken Chow Mein) and he leaves the restaurant without looking at me again.
I walk toward the high street on a Saturday morning. It feels like the whole world is asleep, and I enjoy the rare feeling of solitude. Then a guy walks past me and makes a lewd comment about my body. Ten minutes later he sees me again and tries to greet me, I ignore him and walk on quickly. (Why do guys do that? Do they really think that a woman is going to be flattered by a filthy come on? This isn’t the Benny Hill show!)
Well done, America
Wednesday, 5th November 2008, 9:43pmI could almost imagine that the Bonfire Night fireworks going off outside are in celebration of this historic event. Better days are ahead for us all now.
Commiserations to Dr Monkey, alas the world is not ready for you yet.
Artwork by Shepard Fairey
Video via SwissMiss
Happy Halloween
Friday, 31st October 2008, 5:34pmAre you scared yet? And yes, those appear to be real cookies attached to Mariah’s body…
(via Webster’s)