
Wednesday, 25th October 2006, 7:10pm

Nothing much going on here. The spacebar on my laptop is sticking, which is quite annoying.

I felt a bit out of place at the uni this morning but things improved after an hour or so. I’m too sensitive. 

One bit of good news: yesterday I got paid. As the uni owed me loads of annual leave and time-off-in-lieu, I got it all back in a lump sum. It was tempting to treat myself, but instead I quickly transferred the funds to my ISA and paid off my credit card bill. So I’m doing pretty well financially right now but I won’t be able to save as much when I go part-time.

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Space Invader

Sunday, 22nd October 2006, 10:03pm

Another spider. With brown and black markings. In my bed. How on earth am I going to sleep tonight?

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Oh beast!

Thursday, 19th October 2006, 9:23pm

I love my mum, but I’m looking forward to her Caribbean cruise, which commences tomorrow. She’ll be away for a fortnight, during which I’ll have the run of the house, without any criticism or judgement.

This evening, she caught me bingeing on toffee popcorn after dinner and laid into me. She said that I would end up "obese", well I’m sure she  meant that but she couldn’t remember the exact word, so she just said something that sounded like "oh-beast". I admit that I overeat but I wouldn’t call myself a beast – that’s a low blow.

I survived the last 2 days at the uni, but it is definitely draining. Roll on Xmas.

This week has felt really long, so I’m looking forward to vegging out at the weekend.

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krispy kremes are the food of the devil!

Tuesday, 17th October 2006, 8:20pm

i mean it! they are synthetic sickly sweet rings of glazed sugar. and 90p each, what a ripoff! never again (unless i go to America again, just in case they’re better there).

I had another leisurely day at the new workplace. Back to the nuthouse tomorrow. My email’s working again…

On my way home a girl I used to know in secondary school (high school) called out to me. She recognised me straight away. It’s not the first time that someone has recognised me after several years absence. Perversely, I’d prefer not to be so instantly recognisable. I guess I’d need to endure an extreme makeover to achieve that goal… or qualify for some sort of witness protection scheme to get a new identity…

Currently reading:
Dreams of Rescue by Laura Shaine Cunningham
Food and Loathing by Betsy Lerner

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wah wah wah

Monday, 16th October 2006, 8:13pm

Started my new job at the counselling centre. As expected, it was very peaceful and calming. Everyone was nice, attentive and very considerate. They want me to rehaul their admin systems, which will be a nice challenge.

I missed the old place a bit, I must admit. It was weird being in such a calm place when I’m used to madness and chaos, diva fits and ego trips. They’ve already blocked my email address at the old place – someone’s eager to get rid of me there! I’ll have fun when I go back there on Wednesday! Alvin called in sick so the others must have had a fun day.

Had a really nice Chinese green chicken curry for lunch. I’ll definitely go back to that place another time soon. My new workplace is in a really good location; it’s near to plenty of shops and restaurants, so I’m going to really enjoy going out for lunch nearby.

I witnessed two unnerving incidents today. While I was strolling around at lunchtime I saw a couple shouting at each other violently. It looked like it might come to blows for a moment.

Later on, when I arrived at my train station on the way home, all the masses of people getting off the train with me bustled along up the stairs. Suddenly, a fight erupted between a guy who had been rushing down the stairs to get the train and another guy who’d just gotten off. The crowd moved backwards to give the gladiators some room. Then it was all over, and we were allowed to disperse.

I need to do some work on my writing course (I started an online writing course last week). And the photography one. At least I’m not starting work until 10am tomorrow. Btw, I got to work at 9am today, assuming that I’d start work at that time, only to find that no one was there… So I walked around for ages looking for a toilet. It’s times like that when I wish I were a bloke. Oh well.


Thanks for staying! Come again soon.