The Joy of Lucubration

Monday, December 15th, 2008

Night WorkAges ago I signed up to receive daily emails from wikipedia, telling me snippets of historical information, quotes and other interesting facts. Tonight’s email featured the word lucubrate, which means either a) to work diligently by artificial light; to study at night or b) to work or write like a scholar.

I probably do my best work at night, so I’m grateful to know the word for it. Anyway, it’s my bedtime now, so I’ll end my lucubration for now.

4 Responses to “The Joy of Lucubration”

  1. 1
    Liane Spicer:

    At first glance I read ‘lubrication’. :)

  2. 2

    Indeed, it’s an interesting word.

  3. 3

    I thought it said “lubrication” too! Did a double-take in fact!

  4. 4

    Ha, ha, you dirty-minded bloke!