Archive for August, 2008

Vampire Weekend

Friday, August 22nd, 2008 | Posted in my life, writing

VampireEarly this morning I had a dream about vampires, though they weren’t called that in my dream. I won’t call it a nightmare as I did not become a vampiric drinking trough, though it definitely could have gone that way.

I’m going to write a story based around my dream, and see where it takes me.

Cute but Mean

Friday, August 22nd, 2008 | Posted in art, design, fun

The Unmentionables

Just how I like my monsters. Pick a card, any card. (via)

The Unmentionables

I’d probably never use them for the sake of civility, but just knowing that I can whip out a card when faced with obnoxiousness would make me feel wonderfully omnipotent.

If a kind person from the USA is reading this and planning to purchase a set, please get an extra one for me, and I’ll reimburse you for it, as the company’s international shipping prices are way too expensive for a single pack. You’d make a naughty Brit blogger very happy.

The Great Unread

Sunday, August 17th, 2008 | Posted in reading

Book Girl

When I was 14 I was put into the second level English class, while several of my close friends were placed in the top set. I remember when my friends in the other class were reading Wuthering Heights and would discuss Heathcliff during our lunchbreaks, and though it all sounded interesting I didn’t bother to read the book just to be able to contribute to their discussions.

We have a copy of Wuthering Heights here that my mum received while she was in a mail-order book club years ago, and I flicked through the book but didn’t wish to spoil its hard-backed perfection by reading it, so I borrowed a copy from the library. Then I decided not to read the library copy for some reason which I can’t remember. So I still haven’t read Wuthering Heights.

When I attended a writer’s course several years ago and was asked about my favourite books, I felt like a fraud for not having read many literary classics. Since then I’ve dutifully read Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Picture of Dorian Gray, etc.

Early last year, after reading Pride and Prejudice I decided that I should read Jane Austen’s entire oeuvre. I found that WH Smith had a special offer on her books, so I ended up buying Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abbey. However, after reading the last-mentioned novel I’ve gone off that idea.

Sometimes when I hear about how novel x was so influential on x genre I feel like adding it to my wishlist, but no one has time to read everything, and life is too short to read something that you wouldn’t enjoy. There are so many gaps in my knowledge, but I’m beginning to realise that the most important thing in the world is to know myself.

That said, it amused me to watch this video of authors talking about the books that they’re most ashamed of not reading. Reading the comments was even more interesting; one person had received an A grade on an essay about an unread book, and another person even admitted teaching a class on a novel that he had never read…

They made a movie about me

Sunday, August 17th, 2008 | Posted in design

You Are Helvetica

Your life is ultra modern and ultra streamlined.
You don’t get bogged down in details or decoration.

You like to think that you’re the epitome of style and taste.
People either totally get you – or they think you’re boring and generic.

I should probably watch the Helvetica movie at some point, but this one about a font conference is a lot of fun:

Helvetica - Slutty

If Nike made burgers

Sunday, August 17th, 2008 | Posted in design, fun

Nike Burger

The Nike Air Max 90 by Olle Hemmendorff (via)