What a dirty cow!
Saturday, September 8th, 2007I don’t know who is going to be the winner of Dirty Cows, but according to this article, the hostess has kept the meal to herself. Yep, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson and Alexy Van Kimmenade are dating, and were getting close even during the filming of the show!
I had a feeling that there was some chemistry between them, and the very perceptive Salty predicted it in a recent comment, but I wouldn’t have expected them to get together so soon…
It’s Mr Right all over again! Though let’s hope it doesn’t have the same ending.
I’ll still watch the show for its bitchiness and entertainment value, but I don’t think I’ll bother with the blow-by-blow reviews, unless anyone really wants me to continue.
Disclaimer: my lawyers have asked me to confirm that Alexy, Tara and Living TV all deny that T&A are dating…
5:07 pm on 10-Sep-07
Thing is, though, that the girls who took part must feel cheated, as must the viewers.
10:27 pm on 10-Sep-07
Wow — I was spot on!!! So predictable. The chemistry was obvious - right PJ??
I just can’t believe that they are publically dating because it mightcould jeapordize the show. Note to all reality dating show producers, write in a no dating the contestants clause in host/hostess contract.

Now, TPT is a good 10+ years. It’s not a demi ashton spread in age, but the difference between someone in their mid 20s and late 30s can be pretty steep in terms of maturity. Although, Alexy seems to have a good head on his shoulders.
He is a “farmer” though, so not sure how he will take to TPT’s fast track citylife and full blown career, which, now that she’s on the straight and narrow she might not be so willing to chuck in to be Farmer Bob’s wife.
I only wish I was TPT at the moment with sexy alexy ….a girl can dream…
BTW, has anyone seen the wax figure of TPT in Ripleys?
12:51 am on 11-Sep-07
Hi Salty, the chemistry was so obvious - she was drooling over him with the rest of us. They also have a similar social background, which I’m sure also helped to bring them together. (I wonder what his mum, Pinkie, thinks of the whole affair..!)
He’s 25 and she’s 36, so it’s not that bad really. A few years ago, when I was 25, I dated guys who were 38…
I’m not sure that it will last, but who wouldn’t want to be in her shoes right now!
I’m not sure I want to see that wax figure…
11:41 am on 12-Sep-07
Watched the replay of the last epiode last night and i have to agree with PJ and Salty you can see chemistry there.Ooooo I’m Gutted coz I think he really likes Claire (you can see) and she is lovely. But me thinks he wont pick her to win now - probably because of TPT getting in the way. Ah well its his loss.
8:40 pm on 12-Sep-07
You are right PJ, an 11 year spread isn’t too bad…but men in general are less mature at any age than us more evolved females. Men 10 years my senior can act 10 years my junior. But, ahhhhh younger men, they have their benefits! Lucky TPT. Personally, I think she’s a crafty bugger and had her sights set on him from the start. I think they will date for quiet a while. She did have that little drug addiction though, so I think it can be a challenge to be with an addict…Alexy seems a bit naive almost squeeky clean…addicts are very needy people and often replace one addiction with another.
Will tune in tonight for sure though!!
PS - are episodes tapped ages ago, or is it almost real time (weekly)?
11:32 am on 13-Sep-07
I just knew from watching that TPT really liked him but if she does, then it must be hard for her to watch him going on all those dates with the younger, more attractive girls. I love TPT and wish her all the best in dating a man but she really needs someone more her own age. I think if they are really dating, it won’t last long and I think it’s a real shame if he doesn’t hook up with either Claire or Colette from the show. They seem lovely girls and I think Pinkie has a soft spot for Colette. I can’t stand that Larissa though, she’s such a full on tart!!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes last week, my husband was watching Men & Motors channel and a tacky chat/dating advert came on with two tarts dressed in black PVC and one of them was Larissa with blonde hair!!!!!! Yuk, no way would she fit into that lifestyle, she’s just after his money and would be much more suited to a chavvy football player!!!!!
11:36 am on 13-Sep-07
I’m getting mixed up, meant to call her Danielle NOT Colette!!!!! Doh!!!!
10:08 pm on 14-Sep-07
Ok last night was great as to be honest TPT wasn’t getting too much of her nose in so to speak - she can be a little over the top at times and takes the p..s out of the girls a bit too much (mooing at them last night and then used the word scrubbers-come on Tara no need). Right, so happy he took Danielle on a date as she is lovely and sweet and although there didin’t seem to be a lot of chemistry between them I think he quite liked her. The bitching in the Barn was so funny as Larissa was rambling on about how it was unfair that Alexy fancied Claire and that it was obvious that she was his favourite (hello is that her fault- try not being so slutty Larissa). The thing that pees me off is the sly one Keeley she sits there slagging Claire off for not being upfront with what went on in the pottery date and moans that Claire went off on the quad bike for a spin (Alexy incidentally asked Claire to go) is she forgetting that she asked Alexy to go on his bike the first week and then told the girls on her return that she ‘didn’t get a chance to talk to him much’…what a devious double standard cow she is. I hope she goes next week as she is as rough as and also this month she is in FRONT mag posing with it all out..urgh. Shocked by Tamzins eviction as I thought she was a strong contender. Love Hannah and Chantelle great double act very funny. Keeley to go next pleeeease.