Dirty Cows: Week One

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Wow, my recent post about Dirty Cows was quite popular after being featured on StumbleUpon. Thanks to Bluest Butterfly for listing it on her blog too.

So I watched the first episode last night, and enjoyed it immensely.

We met the gorgeous farmer, Alexy Van Kimmenade, and the ten pampered city babes. Amongst them were a glamour model and a Miss Wales. I can’t remember many of their names at this point.

Dirty Cows

After meeting Alexy, the girls were installed in their new home; a barn with very basic living amenities. It was amusing to see how disappointed they were with their living arrangements, but they soon pulled together to organise the cooking and cleaning rotas.

The next day it was time for the challenges. As the cock crowed at day-break only one girl was up and ready to work, the rest were still in bed. Alexy had to wake them up.

The girls’ regular morning chores would include cleaning out the stables, and collecting chicken eggs. Poor lasses! :wink:

Later on the girls had to search for worms in a heap of manure to use for fishing bait. Miss Wales (I think her name was Laura) didn’t even get near to the poo.

After that the girls went fishing…

Alexy and DC

I won’t say any more as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who is planning to watch the repeat, but it was fun, and I’d watch it again.

Feel free to comment on the show below if you also watched it; I know that there isn’t a forum for this particular show on Living TV’s site yet.

Read Week 2

12 Responses to “Dirty Cows: Week One”

  1. 1

    This sounds interesting. I expect it’ll show up on the Game Show Network eventually. So don’t tell me who wins!

  2. 2

    When is the reapeat ?
    I missed it last noght :cry:

  3. 3

    Hi Sara,
    It’s being repeated on Sunday at 7pm. :smile:

  4. 4

    hmmmmmmmm which one in the pic Thea -knocked out week 1. I can’t believe there are no promotional websites where you can find out more about these ppl.

  5. 5

    Hi PJ,
    Your synopsis is spot on and hysterical!! I don’t need to watch the show, you capture the spirit of it in your summaries. Thanks and I look forward to reading about episode 3.
    :razz: :mrgreen: :shock: :smile: :???: :grin: :idea: :oops: :roll: :wink: :!:

  6. 6

    Hello i love the TV show but wat i did not like is that Kiile is Alexi’s girlfrend
    Lorisa is good and she did anything u ask her to do.
    Not like Kiile she din do anything she was not botherd all she did is stokeng up na man that was not good by Alexi haveng Kiile has his girlfrend.
    :lol: :roll: :wink: :eek:

  7. 7

    hi i watched dirty cows 4 nine weeks and went away 4 the last series and i really want 2 no who went on the last date and who won:) :mrgreen:

  8. 8


  9. 9

    Hi Kim, I reported on the last episode here

  10. 10
    Hannah Sandy:

    :twisted: when does the next series startt?
    or has it already startedd? :lol: :lol:

  11. 11

    who win ??

  12. 12

    Hi Sifou, Keeley won - i blogged about it here

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