Today is World Book Day, an event to promote reading. According to the event’s website, the 10 books which the UK cannot do without are:
1) Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen 20%
2) Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkein 17%
3) Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte 14%
4) Harry Potter books – J K Rowling 12%
5) To Kill A Mockingbird – Harper Lee 9.5%
6) The Bible 9%
7) Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte 8.5%
1984 – George Orwell 6% (tied with) His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman 6%
10) Great Expectations – Charles Dickens .55%
No surprises there really, though I would have expected the Bible to have been a bit higher up the list.
To update you on my reading activity, I’m reading my 20th book of 2007 (43 left in my original TBR pile, plus another 5 I bought last week), Bulletproof Princess, a Silhouette Bombshell action romance featuring a princess who goes undercover to infiltrate a sex slave ring…(!)

Maybe it’s not so implausible. Perhaps Britney Spears is actually in cahoots with the US government, distracting the public from the real news about the government’s schemes. Maybe Paris Hilton is also a weapon of mass distraction?