Sunday Sauce #21

Sunday, November 18th, 2007 | Posted in Eye Candy, movies, sunday sauce

SS banner by Becca

This week I have chosen two actors, both of whom I first encountered in my favourite Bond movie, Casino Royale. They both appear in the following scene, which is one of my favourites of the movie.

EVA GREEN, who acted as Bond’s mysterious love interest, Vesper Lynd.
“So beautiful it’s indecent.” Bernardo Bertolucci

MADS MIKKELSEN, who played the villainous number-cruncher Le Chiffre in the movie.
Regarding the fact that he has been voted Denmark’s sexiest man numerous times, Mads said: “I’d rather be voted ‘the sexiest man in Denmark’ than ‘the ugliest man in Denmark’.” As if that could ever happen! I could stare at his face for hours and not get bored.

Tune in next Sunday for more saucery. Your comments are very welcome.

Monkey Porn

Sunday, August 12th, 2007 | Posted in Eye Candy

Ah ha – made you look!

My blogging-buddy, Dr M, thinks I look like this hottie (I think she’s the current Dr Who companion):

hot PJ

Usually I would choose Halle Berry to play me in the movie of my life, but that honey would definitely be a good pick. (more…)

Not a bad Monday

Monday, March 19th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

The Good

  • Purchased Casino Royale
  • Got through a long day at work without a lunch break
  • Was given a Sony DVD player for no reason (and my current one had broken down recently)
  • I would have missed the early connecting train home, but it was late so I caught it and saved 10 mins of waiting time
  • My Alphasmart Neo word processor arrived

The Bad

  • Left my umbrella on the train, so I had to walk home in the rain
  • The bakery didn’t have my usual cookie
  • And the cookie I had instead was awful
  • Didn’t get all my work done

The Ugly

  • My monthly feminine penance started
  • My hair needs work a workforce!

Weekend Watching

Sunday, March 18th, 2007 | Posted in movies

I saw two films at the cinema yesterday – Perfume: The Story of a Murderer and Dreamgirls; two very different experiences.

It was depraved, disturbing, debased, debauched, de-whatever else you wanna call it. Of course, I really enjoyed it. Nothing beats a public orgy in the town square for enterntainment value!

Alan Rickman was Alan Rickman. Dustin Hoffman was Dustin Hoffman. Not that I minded.

Ben Whishaw, who played the murderous Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, was amazing. He fully embodied the protagonist, who was driven only by his prodigious olfactory senses. During the beginning scenes he seemed almost animalistic in his posture and appearance, a beast without humanity or mercy. The character’s love of beauty only inspired him to capture it for his own devices. An modern allegory? Perhaps.

At times I felt a bit bemused by the fact that although the film was set in France, nobody had a French accent. Strangely I want to be a redhead now, even if it makes me a target for serial killers…

The book’s in my famous ever-increasing to be read pile – I’m going to leave it for a while to have some distance from the movie.

Dreamgirls was an entertaining feel-good movie. Although Jennifer Hudson was very good at playing an slightly unsympathetic character, interestingly I felt that Beyoncé also did very well. The ensemble cast was convincing, there were passing references to cultural issues of the time, and the musical performances were exceptional. I’m planning to get the soundtrack, but I wouldn’t necessarily buy the DVD…

And Casino Royale is out here on DVD tomorrow… Asda’s doing a special £7 deal, but I’m nowhere near an Asda. Tesco are going to sell it for about £9.70 if you buy another DVD or a CD. Some online retailers are offering it for £10-15 exc postage, but I want it tomorrow. Actually I want it now. I hardly ever watch the special features on DVDs, but this time I think I’m going to be making an exception.

You Know His Name…

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

Continuing my Bond obsession, here’s the video for the film’s theme song.

The singer, Chris Cornell, is kinda hot too…