Archive for the 'wednesday weird' Category

Wednesday’s Weird Web #2

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008 | Posted in fun, wednesday weird


6 Pics

Scar Jo takes a pic (via)

The l337 Eye Chart (via)

Keeley Hazell with chocolate men in London

A cute honey from this video

Organised Crime (via)

Inversed World Map (via)

6 Links

1. Future Me – send a message to your future self. (via)
2. How to take down someone who is MUCH bigger than you
3. Everything I need to know I learned from LOST
4. Dear Rockers – you downloaded music illegally, now you can assuage your guilt by writing to a musician and sending them $5.
5. Beat your little hater
6. If my parents were more computer-literate I’d be nervous that they might try to marry me off on this site: Marry Our Daughter

6 Products

1. The Utilikilt (it’s not a skirt, okay!)
2. Blood Puddle Pillows
3. The Shower Belt
4. Vulva – the scent of a woman… :shock:
5. Longhorn Steer Grill
6. Coke Crate Stereo System

Bonus video: Pathology starring Milo Ventimiglia


Wednesday’s Weird Web: A new feature

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008 | Posted in Eye Candy, fun, wednesday weird


I come across a lot of strange things online, and as this blog is becoming an extension of my mind and a receptacle of my thoughts, I thought it appropriate to share them here. You may remember a few interesting linkage posts that I wrote last year, well this is an extension of those. I haven’t decided whether these posts will be weekly or fortnightly yet. (more…)