
Thursday, March 18th, 2010

In less than 24 hours I’ll be in Senegal, West Africa. I’m going to be staying with my drum teacher and his wife in their village located in the south of the country. I’m a little nervous now, but also excited.

Saturday will be my 30th birthday. Funnily enough, I’ve been so busy worrying about malaria tablets and mosquito coils, etc. that I haven’t had much headspace left to agonise about turning 30 and being unemployed.

I may be able to update you on how things are going during the trip, but if not I’ll definitely give a summary of my experiences after my return on 31 March.


7 Responses to “Hols”

  1. 1
    Dr. Monkey:

    Oh man, there you go again, jetsetting across the world. Have fun babe. But be careful!

  2. 2

    Thanks, Doc! I’ll definitely be careful.

  3. 3

    Happy Birthday P!
    The trip sounds awesome (as we Amerkins say). Take loads of pictures won’t you. BTW – drum teacher? What drums are you learning?

  4. 4
    Captain Incredible:

    Happy Birthday PJ!

    Senegal, eh? But then you did say you were looking into going there…

    Have a great trip; return with many stories :smile:

    And what are mosquito coils? Never mind, I’ll google it :grin:

  5. 5

    Wow, what a cool trip. I’ve never been any farther than Vancouver (I’m in the southeast U.S). Hope you had a wonderful birthday! And – this is my first visit to your site. Looks awesome – great job!

  6. 6

    You should be there now. Be safe and take some good pics to share and relax. Employment will come your way soon enough.

  7. 7

    Hope you’re having a wonderful time, PJ! I know people who have been to Senegal and they loved it! I think you’ll have lots to share with us when you return!

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