Cute but Mean

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

The Unmentionables

Just how I like my monsters. Pick a card, any card. (via)

The Unmentionables

I’d probably never use them for the sake of civility, but just knowing that I can whip out a card when faced with obnoxiousness would make me feel wonderfully omnipotent.

If a kind person from the USA is reading this and planning to purchase a set, please get an extra one for me, and I’ll reimburse you for it, as the company’s international shipping prices are way too expensive for a single pack. You’d make a naughty Brit blogger very happy.

9 Responses to “Cute but Mean”

  1. 1
    Dr. Monkey:

    Those are freakin’ great.

  2. 2

    I just ordered 3 of them. I will totally ship you one, primarily on account of the fact that I found them courtesy of your blog, via stumbleupon.

    Funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

  3. 3

    Excellent, they put me in mind of Happy Bunny but are a bit edgier.

  4. 4
    Captain Incredible:

    It’s like the Mr Men, only nasty :grin:

    I had an uncle (sadly deceased) who, afflicted with throat cancer and thus unable to speak, relied upon his sense of curmudgeonly humour and his trade as a printer to produce similar cards, the thrust of which was to invite people who annoyed him to -ahem- “F**k off”.

    Sadly, none remain – there were a lot of people who pissed Brian off…

  5. 5

    Dr M: yes, they are.

    Hi Gurn: Thanks for your very kind offer, I’ll email you in a minute. :mrgreen:

    Dale: Happy Bunny? Never heard of it. I love Bugs Bunny though.

    Capt: Your uncle sounds like he was quite a character. I think one of the possible benefits of getting older is not giving a toss about what other people think.

  6. 6

    Have a look at the happy bunny:

  7. 7

    Thanks, Dale. I like him.

  8. 8


  9. 9

    nice !!!.. I love them all.. :razz: :grin: