Archive for May, 2008


Saturday, May 31st, 2008 | Posted in fun, my life

boxOn the train home this evening I sat down next to a woman (fairly attractive, probably in her 30s) who was carrying a large carry case like the one on the left, but it was red.

For the next few train stops I wondered what was in the box. At the end of every other sentence in the book I was reading my gaze would discreetly flick over to the box and make another guess at its contents. I could see a white label on the far side of the box, which might have revealed all, but I couldn’t read it from my position, and besides, I liked the guessing game.

A couple of stops before mine, she got up to go. I moved to let her pass, and saw something stamped on the case that ended my speculation.

So now it’s your turn to play. What was in the case? Was she a handywoman? Mobile hairdresser? Spy gadget saleswoman? Professional assassin? Or something more quotidian?

Paypal Pirates

Thursday, May 29th, 2008 | Posted in my life

Paypal has taken to sending me emails about money laundering since I’ve had more than £650 going through my account since I don’t know when. So I’ve sold some of my old stuff on ebay and get the odd affiliate payment from another website, so what? It’s not like I’m smuggling suitcases full of dirty cash into the continent via Easyjet.

So now under the guise of these European Union Anti-Money Laundering regulations I need to provide Paypal with access to my bank account. Mmmm, it may be time to restrict my online transactions. I don’t like all this bureaucracy, and I don’t like the thought of Paypal having access to my bank account information. It smells like Big Brother to me.

Blue Pill? Red Pill?

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 | Posted in movies

Matrix Red and Blue PillsI’m very tempted.

The IMAX is having a Matrix All-Nighter in a couple of weeks, and I’d like to go. I saw Matrix Reloaded there years ago, and watching the amazing chase scenes on that massive screen was awesome. I’m not sure that I could handle all three Matrix movies on one night, but that’s the fun of it I suppose. Now I just need to find someone crazy enough to come with me… any takers?


Monday, May 26th, 2008 | Posted in fun

Ladies, those randy builders who call out lascivious comments to you as you stroll past their building site are fantasizing about doing this to you. Scary, no?

Woman Stripped by Mechanical Shovel – Watch more free videos

Jedi of Cool

Monday, May 26th, 2008 | Posted in fun