Friday, March 21st, 2008
The Hamburger Dress
(via bookofjoe)
Or if your tastes are more refined and you can travel to the Temple Restaurant & Bar in Minneapolis, why not try eating sushi off a naked person?
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Written by PJ | Posted in design, fun
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12:54 am on 21-Mar-08
3:40 am on 23-Mar-08
I wonder how they keep the health inspector happy?
3:55 am on 23-Mar-08
The food isn’t directly on the model’s skin, so it’s still sanitary.
3:24 pm on 6-May-08
this only proves once again that man is genius and that there’s no end for creativity. we’d also always find ways to economize. clothing, tables, dinnerware–the’d all get phased out. but not shoes. no, the onceler has to make shoes and the lorax can’t do anything about it. it’s a great thneed. and soap is another necessity. absolutely. we must continually produce soap. soap and shoes. hey, now that’s a topic i can write about.