Goodbye 2007

Monday, December 31st, 2007

It’s been an interesting year for me. I returned to part-time work, and aimed to become more fulfilled generally

When I look back on certain years, I sometimes notice that a particular activity had dominated my thoughts:

1997: Spanish language and culture

2000: music performance (singing)

2001: Middle-eastern dance and music

2003: African drumming

2005: writing

2007: blogging

So now I wonder what will be my primary focus in 2008. I would like to continue blogging, and to start writing fiction again. I would also like to make music again, just as a hobby.

I’ve decided not to make any formal resolutions, as I never keep them for more than a few days. My main goal for the coming months is to lose some of my excess weight. I think that a good initial goal would be to lose 10% of my body fat, then take it from there. I have the tools to lose the weight, I just need to work out an exercise routine and food guidelines that I can live with for the long term.

new years resolutions

So what about you?

New Year Votes: I’m not using this polling script anymore, so I’ve saved the results in this image.

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