Sunday Sauce #20

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

SS banner by Becca

NOEMIE LENOIR French Supermodel and Actress, who has been quoted as saying, “Being sexy is a game.” If so, Ms Lenoir is definitely a winner.

RUDOLF NUREYEV Russian Ballet Dancer

I said “Tell Mr Nuveyev to take that handkerchief out of his pocket, it looks ridiculous.” And Rudolf said, “That is no hanky, that is my cock!” Lord Snowdon

“He slowly raised his arms, and as his arms went up so did his penis. It was as if he was dancing with every part of himself. His whole body was responding to a kind of wonder at himself.” Richard Avedon.

He was indeed a well-endowed man, judging by this pic I found:oops:

2 Responses to “Sunday Sauce #20”

  1. 1

    Wow Rudy was an impressive man. :oops:

    Have you ever seen the Ken Russell movie Valentino? It’s manic and crazy but I love it and it stars Nureyev as Valentino. I wish he had been in more movies he just had so much energy and onscreen charisma.

  2. 2

    No, I haven’t seen Valentino, but I’ll put it on my rental list pronto.