October > November

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

It’s November, and we’re back to black! (If you prefer the hot pink look you can use the theme switcher on the top left.)

Sorry for the technical issues over the past couple of days. I needed to move to another web host, which involved lots of downloading and uploading. I tell you, watching those files being re-uploaded was like being thirteen again, on a day-trip to a fun-fair at the seaside playing one of those horse-racing games. Come on upload 10, number 13 is gaining on you. Only one megabyte to go! Except of course, that all the “horses” were mine, and I hadn’t paid to play. A girl’s gotta amuse herself somehow.


So anyway, it’s November. I’m not joining in NaNoWriMo (novel writing month) or even NaBloPoMo (blog every day of the month), but do come here if you want a distraction from all that hard work. (By the way, I’ve got a spare copy of No Plot, No Problem if anyone wants it.)

I admit that I’ve been a bit unorganised on the blogging front recently, but I’ve decided to have some regular features each week to keep things ticking over nicely. I’ll discuss them with you in more detail on Sunday.

On the personal front, things are getting better. Work still sucks though, and that’s a whole ‘nother blog post for y’all. On Tuesday I got a free cookie, cheeseburger, and can of Sprite from my local shops, for being a nice girl. In the evening I spent a few hours with Miguel and his housemate, then said hi to the cute friendly Turkish kebab guy on the way home. I’m down to one Prozac pill a day and Dirk has apparently found a new girl for his adulterous attentions. Like I said, life is good.

Oh, and sorry about that strange post on Monday. Let’s forget it ever happened. :wink:

And I’ve finally found the right moment to use this pic of Jenny McCarthy, a samurai told me it was her 35th birthday:

Jenny McCarthy

2 Responses to “October > November”

  1. 1

    I’ve always loved that pic of Jenny! I’m glad things seem to be getting a bit better the world would be a whole lot sadder without the recluse! Kisses for decding to stay with us!

  2. 2

    Right back atcha babe!