Archive for November, 2007
Like Zorro: Bad Sex in Fiction
Fifteen years ago the Literary Review Bad Sex in Fiction Award was born. Its aim: “to draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it.”
At the very least, this award shows how difficult it can be to write a decent sex scene. In the writers’ defence, I must say that I’ve just finished a book which was nominated for this award last year, A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. When reading the selected scene in context, it fit perfectly with the overall tone of the writing and characterization. When taken in isolation though, it was ridiculous. (more…)
Train Tales
Tuesday, November 27th, 2007 | Posted in UncategorizedTwo young women sitting together on a train. One is black, the other is white (and wearing a white jacket).
The train quietens and I hear the unmistakable tinkle of music emanating from someone’s earphones. I look up and realise that those woman opposite me are sharing a pair of earbuds (just like I remember doing with friends when I was an impoverished kid with a cassette walkman).
I listen for a few more seconds and recognise the song. As Beyoncé’s soprano soars during the last chorus I realise that it’s Emotion by Destiny’s Child, one of my favourite songs. And I smile to myself.
And on another train, at a different station a group of schoolgirls in uniform jump onto my train. One yells, “my shoe!” Her friends surround her, giggling as she shows them how her shoe dropped off her foot and into the gap between the train and the platform. The train doors close.
“Don’t worry, it’s only a shoe,” a friend comforts her as the one-shoe’d girl shuffles through the carriage.
Perhaps this person found Cinderella’s lost shoe..?
What the Duck, man?
Monday, November 26th, 2007 | Posted in UncategorizedSunday Sauce #22
Sunday, November 25th, 2007 | Posted in Eye Candy, sunday sauceGONG LI, who has said: “People keep pushing me to be the center of attention… I would prefer to be on the sidelines, because that’s where you see more.”
For more pics and info on Ms Gong, check out Admiring Gong Li
DAVID DUCHOVNY, who once said: “Women’s fashion is a subtle form of bondage. It’s men’s way of binding them. We put them in these tight, high-heeled shoes, we make them wear these tight clothes and we say they look sexy. But they’re actually tied up.”