Partners in Crime

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

After some thought, I’ve decided that what I need in my life isn’t a best friend, or even a boyfriend, but a partner-in-crime.

partners in crime bonnie and clyde

Let me explain. I’m not planning to rob a bank anytime soon, but I would like to have the kind of relationship with someone (male or female) where I always feel like they’ve got my back, and I know that I’ll always have theirs.

mr and mrs smith

We would be on the same wavelength, and we would sometimes get ourselves in trouble, but we’d always have fun together. A look between us would often say everything; words would be superfluous.

Am I talking about a soulmate? Maybe, but I think the term ‘partner-in-crime’ fits the relationship better. Someone to call to get me out of jail in the middle of the night… not that I’m planning to get arrested, but you know what I mean. Like this funny exchange from Just Like Heaven:

David Abbott: We’re really grateful, Jack.
Jack Houriskey: I’m not doin’ it for you.
David Abbott: Then why are you doing it?
Jack Houriskey: Because someday, trust me, I’m gonna need help movin’ a body. When that day comes, I don’t wanna hear any shit from you.

And here’s BeyoncĂ©’s and Jay-Z’s take on the matter:

angelina bonnie and clyde

4 Responses to “Partners in Crime”

  1. 1

    Hi. We are Nicholas and PJ.


    Nicholas’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #27

  2. 2

    Cool, but I’d better hold the machine gun.

  3. 3

    An excellent thought! Where do I apply? :mrgreen:

    Dale’s last blog post..News To Me

  4. 4

    Hey Dale, the more the merrier. I get the feeling that these partnerships may not last very long due to that irritating concept called mortality.