Interviewed by a Pop Culture Goddess
Sunday, July 15th, 2007Baroness Becca has taken up my offer of an interview; here are her questions.
1. I love your Sunday Sauce posts! Who do you think are 5 sexiest women and men alive? How about ever?
Thanks darling, I’m sure you know that I love all the sexy pinups that you display on your blog too.
Here’s my list of the sexiest people in the world:
Angelina Jolie. Yeah, I know. But it’s true.
Shakira. I love this video; who knew that belly-dancing with black oil smeared all over your body could be so sexy?
Scarlett Johansson. Another person on everyone’s lists.
Halle Berry. My body idol.
Kate Moennig.
Gael Garcia Bernal
Wesley Snipes
Hugh Jackman
Eric Benét - His album A Day in the Life is one of my favourites, and he is just so gorgeous. His voice is smooth, strong and so seductive. Here are some lyrics from the first track on that album, “That’s just my way”.
Feel me, take me in slowly
So you can understand how deep my love can go
Baby your river is flowing
So let me just fill you up till you just overflowJust feel me, all over your body
I promise you’ll thank me
If you do just what you’re told
‘Cause, you’ll be whimpering gently
Shivering softly but you won’t be sad or coldCompletely I want you to know me
Till all of your fears and inhibitions are gone
Now walk towards me, ever so slowly
Now hike up that skirt and show me just where I belong
Johnny Depp
And the sexiest people ever to have walked the planet:
Marlon Brando
Bob Marley
Michael Hutchence
Marvin Gaye
William Shatner (I know he’s not dead, and he’s still very lovable in Boston Legal)
‘For her actual beauty, it is said, was not in itself so remarkable that none could be compared with her, or that no one could see her without being struck by it, but the contact of her presence, if you lived with her, was irresistible; the attraction of her person, joining with the charm of her conversation, and the character that attended all she said or did, was something bewitching.’ Plutarch
Marilyn Monroe
Princess Margaret
Josephine Baker
Eartha Kitt
2. If you could live anywhere in the world�except where you are living now�where would you live and why?
Apart from Tokyo, which I’ve mentioned before, it would have to be New York City. I spent two wonderful days there in 2004 on a stopover to San Francisco, and I promised myself that I would have to go back there someday. New York is a fast-paced exciting city, just like London. It has culture, history, ethnic diversity, and so much more.
3. I’ve heard different stories about various writers who have different rituals or specific necessities when writing, like they always write with a certain pen, or use a certain type writer or have to have a certain kind of beverage. As a writer do you have any rituals or necessities to get the creative juices flowing or do you think that stuff is all a crutch?
I haven’t cultivated any such rituals yet, but I’m starting to think that I should, just to put myself in the mood for writing. So far all I have is this mug I designed, maybe I should only use it while writing…
4. Who is the most annoying person in the world and why?
I’m not sure. Everyone’s annoying in their own way sometimes, but if you insist on a single person I’ll say that it’s my Uncle-in-law, who came to Jamaica with me in May. I disliked him when I was a child because he used to always tell me that I was too fat. In Jamaica he complained about everything: the mosquitoes, the hotel wine, the heat, etc. He brought his video camera to the breakfast table and recorded us eating, but didn’t take the camera with him when he was visiting relatives. He insisted that I should say, “Good morning” instead of “hi” or “hello” at breakfast. He drove me crazy.
5. And finally what is your most favorite possession?
My mum bought me this Nefertiti pendant in Egypt a few years ago. At first I was disappointed because I’d wanted a cartouche like the one she’d given to my brother, but now I love it. I wear it nearly every day.
Do YOU want to be interviewed?
Interview rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying Interview me.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the
3. You will update your blog with a post containing your the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview
someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them
five questions.
3:19 pm on 15-Jul-07
I enjoyed that interview. I also have one of those annoying, over-formal, and miserable relatives
5:20 am on 16-Jul-07
I love that picture of Scarlett shaving her legs…it’s so forbidden and beautiful! I also have that poster of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra hanging in my living room. I saw the traveling Cleopatra exhibit in Chicago a few years back and picked it up there. It was an awesome exhibit…the jewery, coins and statues were so very cool!
Speaking of jewelry I’m jealous of your Nefertiti pendent! It’s so beautiful!
Cool mug as well!
Thanks for answering the questions it was quite cool to get to know you a bit better! Oh and turn about is fair play so if the mood strikes you and you wish to interview me I would be more than happy to answer your questions but do not feel obligated. Thanks again!
7:30 pm on 18-Jul-07
Hi China, those relatives can be such a drag, can’t they?
Hi Becca, I’m glad you liked my answers and the pics. I’ll send you some interview questions soon.