dog tired!

Monday, August 14th, 2006

i decided to join the work gym today. who told me to do that? don’t answer that mum!!

actually, i’m going to play a game with my mum, and not tell her i’ve joined for a few weeks. i’ll wash my gym clothes at the launderette and let her think that i’m lounging around as usual. when i start losing weight she’ll wonder what’s going on. it’s evil, and twisted, but she needs to learn that i’m my own person.

i went to the spinning class with alan at lunchtime. the guy was relentless, it was the hardest class i’ve ever had, bar none. he had us leaning over, pumping our arms, i’ve never used my body so much! my lower body was aching during and afterwards. it wasn’t just me, alan was dying too. there was a mature lady in the class but she just kept a slow pace and didn’t stand up on the bike at all.

i’ll have my gym induction tomorrow, then i’ll start weight training again. not sure about the nike 10k, i’ll see how it goes. £25 isn’t too much to lose if i don’t go thru with it again.

i got the airport express this evening so that i can listen to my itunes music on my stereo speakers. it was really easy to setup, and luckily i had some compatible cables at home which worked a treat. it’s so nice to be able to hear all my fave tunes on my powerful speaker, just like before when i had my music equipment.

still not writing anything. i’m really tired though, and at least i’m writing this. it must be nearly a month since i told terri valentine, my writing mentor, that i’d get cracking on the novel, and i haven’t written a word since then. so many ideas are flying around my skull, but i can’t seem to be able to pull them together.

just saw an ad – i’m not into horror, but SNAKES ON A PLANE looks to be a cult classic. B-Movie bliss, it’s gotta be done! I have my vices, i’m only human ((wink, wink))

2 Responses to “dog tired!”

  1. 1
    Lillian the Ponderer:

    Hi, like the cunning plan of fooling your mother into believing that you have miraculously lost weight while bumming around… Not sure I could be bothered with the whole laundrette thing though… seems like too much work – especially when the gym is allready trying to kill you.

  2. 2

    Hey Lillian,
    Thanks for stopping by! The launderette thing will be a bit of an adventure for me as I’m sure I’ll see all sorts of interesting people there. Messing with washing powder, etc should be fun too…