Monday, June 9th, 2008 | Posted in my lifeToday wasn’t a bad day. I didn’t have a lunch break at work, but I’d brought sandwiches to keep me going. My right eye was and is still itchy from hay fever, and my nose is slightly icky, but I’m not feeling too awful overall.
Walking home from the train station, I found myself walking behind a woman who had an amazing figure. She was wearing blue jeans and a lovely purple top. I envied her a little bit, but also stored that image as additional motivation to aim for my ideal figure.
As I passed the vet’s office a young black guy with an Afro paused at the end of the road in a red car, which was pumping out that classic tune: “Papa was a Rolling Stone”.
An hour ago I was watching this new reality tv show: Mary Queen of Shops, which featured Amanda, a woman who was running a clothes boutique aimed at fuller-figured women, though she seemed to look down on her customers because of their size. Mary, the fashion expert, had to re-educate her not to criticise her customers’ bodies and to think of them as normal women who aren’t catered for by the mainstream fashion industry. It was both sad and funny to watch that clueless woman making such a mess of things, selling the equivalent of tents and sacks to her curvy clientele.
Though she seemed to make a huge improvement by the end of the show, I still got the impression that she wasn’t totally sincere and that she may have been putting on a front, that she probably still felt that larger women were “sad” and “misshapen”. The whole thing made me wonder why she wanted to develop a business for that market, she would have probably been happier selling fitness clothing for size-zeros.
And in other news, a 3G version of the iPhone was announced today, but I still don’t want to buy one at this stage. Allow me to buy it sim-free, or open up availability to more than one UK network and I’d think about it seriously. In the meantime I’ve just bought a new Sony Ericsson K800i from Tesco (I know, but it was a good deal). It’s a great little phone with a very nice camera. Even my dad likes it, plus it was the official phone from Casino Royale…
And why did I feel okay today? I think it’s connected to the exercise that I did last night, but I’ll talk more about that tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 | Posted in funIt was my brother’s birthday yesterday (though I mixed up the days and sent him a birthday text today…), and I know that he would have loved to get this Star Trek Enterprise Bottle Opener. Too bad that it’s not available until July.
(via Neatorama)
I’m Banksy. Yes, I am.
Top 25 80’s Action Show Opening Credits - This took me back. I enjoyed this post, which ranked the opening credits via the criteria of Action, Sexiness, Cheesiness, Homoeroticism and Intangibles. There were several shows that I didn’t recognise, and this list needed the Dukes of Hazzard, I don’t know how that show was missed out. I do agree with the #1 choice though.
My top 3 would have to be TJ Hooker, The A-Team and Hunter, so here they are for your enjoyment.
No special powers, or sex appeal… this can’t be right
Monday, February 11th, 2008 | Posted in funYour Score: Mr. Bennet
You scored 62 Idealism, 41 Nonconformity, 83 Nerdiness

Congratulations, you’re Mr. Bennet! You are one mysterious person with mysterious motives. Despite all the mystery, it’s clear that you believe what you do is for the greater good, and you are obviously a well-educated person in your field.
Your best quality: Dedication to your work/organization/etc.
Your worst quality: Keeping too many secrets
Link: The Heroes Personality Test |
Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 | Posted in fun, moviesNa na na na na
na na na na na
na na na na na na
The Dark Knight 1966 Style (via)
I’m looking forward to watching the Dark Knight during the summer, but there’s nothing that could stop me loving the original.
13 TV Show Intros
Thursday, November 29th, 2007 | Posted in thursday thirteenTV Show Meme - Play with me
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007 | Posted in UncategorizedNicked from BV
a. Post a list of 10-20 TV shows you love (current or cancelled)
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each show
c. When guessed bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character
d. Post in your own blog. (if you want)
- Buffy: Buffy herself - as guessed by BV. She’s strong, funny and has great taste in men.
- Angel: Angel/Angelus - as guessed by BV. I especially loved the duality of Angel vs Angelus
- Carnivale
- Huff
- The L Word
- Lost: Sayid - as guessed by Becca
- Heroes: Peter - as guessed by Becca
- Frasier
- Criminal Minds
- Supernatural: Dean - as guessed by BV. Dean’s the man.
- Weeds
- Sex and the City
- Friends: Joey - as guessed by BV. Joey’s so loveable.
- Smallville
- The OC
- Californication
- Entourage
- Seinfeld
Carnivale Contest of Manliness
Thursday, November 15th, 2007 | Posted in UncategorizedLast weekend I watched the entire second (and sadly final) season of Carnivàle (four episodes on Friday night, four on Saturday, four on Sunday). It was incredible. The clip above is just one of many wonderful moments in the show, and it took me a few seconds to realise the craziness of the scene because I’d become so emotionally involved with the characters.
It reminds me of that classic Crocodile Dundee scene: “You call that a knife? This is a knife!”
The Hermaphrodite Hubby vs the small but mighty Samson? No contest!
Partners in Crime
Thursday, October 11th, 2007 | Posted in UncategorizedAfter some thought, I’ve decided that what I need in my life isn’t a best friend, or even a boyfriend, but a partner-in-crime.