Stopping for a cider before the next ‘job’…

Saturday, September 15th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

On a walk around my neighbourhood, I was amused to see one of those electric mobility vehicles parked outside the pub.


It reminded me of this classic Irn Bru advert… remember, you’re never too old to rob a supermarket or knock back a few ciders in the pub!

What’s in your pocket?

Friday, September 14th, 2007 | Posted in my life

Whenever I put on my black denim jacket I seem to find an old cinema ticket in one of the pockets. I guess I watch more films than I think I do. And always in the same jacket.


So what’s in your pocket(s) right now?

Sinful Lady

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

I saw this sinful figurine on Gary Ham’s website, and had to share it with you all. Isn’t she heavenly? (lol)

Sinful Lady

I think I’m in love…

Saturday, August 11th, 2007 | Posted in Eye Candy


Wednesday, August 8th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

I forgot to explain why my feet hurt yesterday. It was because I was trying out my new leather Rieker shoes that I’d purchased in Brussels last Thursday. I’m sure they’ll stretch in time. By the end of the evening I was limping a little.


And I haven’t blogged about Brussels yet, have I?

Highlights of the week

Sunday, April 29th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

My laptop charger started to emit violent sparks from a section of frayed cabling. It was very scary, especially as said laptop and charger were situated on my lap at the time!

I’ve got loads on at work again. As I’ll be going on holiday the week after next, I’ve been having meetings to discuss how they’re all going to manage without me for 3 weeks. I was starting to feel rather guilty but they reassured me that they’d cope and I deserved the break.

My mum has been hassling me daily about packing my suitcase for Jamaica. It’s what she does before every holiday, and I guess it’s part of the mothering instinct, but it ain’t half irritating at times. I’ve been preparing for weeks, so save it for the night before, Mother!

My dad wasn’t content with the Motorola Pebl that I gave him last year, so he’s changed to a Razr. I’m not to tell mum, as she’d just whinge at him, so I’m telling you all instead. :)

Bought this cute fat Buddha statue. I like to rub his head for luck.

On Friday evening after work I went to a lovely pub in Greenwich to celebrate Veg’s 36th birthday. I had my usual tipple and enjoyed a nice chat with the wise man himself. He seemed pleased with the card that I’d got him (which called him a fantastic old bastard - which he is, in the best possible sense of the phrase.). It was also nice to see some of the old uni crew. Veg, I’ve gotta say that you’ve got beautiful blue eyes which I never noticed before and your wife is gorgeous! Well done old man!

Catchup vol 1. (films and stuff)

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007 | Posted in movies

I haven’t blogged much about my life this week, so I thought I might catch you up on it.

I saw The Departed last week. It was brutal and harsh and amazing. All the cast were superb, especially Mark Wahlberg. The last ten minutes was rather shocking, and the eldery lady sitting next to me was visibly and audibly disturbed by all the mayhem on screen.

On Thursday I saw Becoming Jane, starring Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy. I found the film to be incredibly poignant, especially as an aspiring writer. I am of the opinion that a writer must experience life in order to write about it, and where experience ends the imagination begins. The film was beautifully filmed, with picturesque scenery and cinematography. Hathaway and McAvoy were both wonderful in their roles.

Last weekend I saw Aeon Flux on DVD. I knew that the film had received questionable reviews, but I like to make up my own mind (which is why I had to see Gigli!). Aeon Flux was like watching a fictionalised version of London Fashion Week, it was beautiful, but without substance. It could have been so much better than it was, and so many things were left unexplained. For instance, how did Aeon acquire her physical skills?

Last night I watched Constantine and Sin City on DVD. Constantine reminded me of Night Watch, the Russian supernatural movie which came out a couple of years ago. In both films the supernatural collides with urbanity, giving a gritty, sinister view of our world. Things unravelled slightly towards the end, but I enjoyed it overall.

Sin City was totally messed up! It was bizarre, twisted, gory, and unbelievable. Whores and the rough meatheads who love them; what a movie! My favourite character was the mysterious Miho, a girl who really knows how to kick (or chop up) ass!

Note to self: I need to see 300 right now!

I got a new mobile phone a few days ago. I’ve had my Samsung E820 for nearly 3 years now and it has served me well but it’s on its last legs now, so I replaced it with a Samsung U600. I like Samsung phones, they are reliable, user-friendly and hardy. I’m still getting used to the U600, but so far I like it. It has bluetooth, a 3.1 Megapixel camera, mp3 player and FM radio. The default screensaver is really nifty, it shows a picture of whichever location you’re in (so right now it is showing Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament), and it shows the time of day so right now it’s daytime in the pic but in the evening it will show nightime. When I get a text message fireworks appear!

Before I saw Becoming Jane on Thursday I visited the optician for an eye examination. If necessary I was ready to purchase a new pair of glasses as I have a health policy which contributes towards the cost of eye tests and glasses/contact lenses. The sales assistant was very polite, but I found myself becoming annoyed by her as she followed me around the room as I looked at frames, offering me glasses which didn’t suit me and calling me “dear”. When I made my choice she kept on adding costs on to it, beyond the amount I was willing to pay. For instance, she told me, “You can have an extra pair of glasses free of charge.”
“Ok, then.” Tallying up the figures in my head (£150 for 2 pairs -£80 from my policy and £30 voucher = £30 cost to me) I thought that was a good deal.
“We can give you a free tint on your extra pair so you can have prescription sunglasses.”
“Ok then.”
“But you’ll have to pay extra for a UV filter.”
“I see.”
“Do you work with computers?” I nodded. “Then you should also get xx filter on your glasses? It would be an extra forty pounds. And you’ll need it on the “free” pair.”
“Um, can I just pay for the eye test right now? I’ll come back and sort all this out later.”
“Ok dear.”
I scarpered like a bat out of hell.

Why pay £200+ for a pair of glasses, when I can get DNKY ones on the internet for £25! All you need to do is get the prescription details after the eye test then order it all online. I did it a year ago when I lost my glasses.

Maybe I have Seasonal Affective Disorder in Reverse

Saturday, April 21st, 2007 | Posted in reading

Whenever the sun is shining I tend to stay indoors, and when the weather is crap I go out. The weather here in Britain has been lovely this week, and as usual the British public has done its best to enjoy it to the utmost. (All except me of course.)

My parents went out and left me alone at home today, so I just ended up rearranging and tidying things in my room. The books which can’t fit into my bookcase were getting in my way so I’ve moved them all behind my bedroom door. The first two columns from the left are my to read piles (apart from a few dvds), and the third column is made up of books I’ve read.

You might notice that I’ve found that book that I had misplaced last week…


Ahmed asked me to go to that Asian gay club again last night, but I declined because I was still feeling a bit rough. My monthly feminine penance revisited me this week, and with the cold that I’ve been fighting off I felt I probably wouldn’t be up for a wild night of fighting off my adoring fans.

Jungle Pen

Thursday, April 12th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

Isn’t this the coolest pen you’ve ever seen?

Jungle Jane chasing a panther through the jungle.

Available from Retro51


Saturday, April 7th, 2007 | Posted in movies

Why so many posts this evening? Well I’m alone, in that reclusive way of mine, and I’m restless.

I had 2 social invitations for this evening, but I turned down the second one for the first one, then felt a bit tired and intended to turn the first one down too, then found out that it had been cancelled anyway.

This week has been quite unusual really. I went into work on Monday and Tuesday, and felt overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do in the next week. I was planning to go in on Thursday too (not my usual day), but I changed my mind and decided to bum around at home instead.

I’m only working 3 days a week, but I’m feeling so tired all the time anyway.

On Wednesday I saw Pan’s Labyrinth at the cinema. It was the best film I’ve seen all year. It was a fairy tale (written and directed by Guillermo del Toro) set in 1940s Spain amidst the fascist Francoist regime. The story was laiden with mythological symbolism and subtexts. I need to watch it again to fully appreciate its subtleties, so it’s handy that I was able to pick up the DVD at my local supermarket today.