Yesterday I went to my friend Miguel’s place for a New Year’s get-together. He had invited a few of his other friends for food and relaxation. I was rather nervous, as I usually am when going to such an event where I don’t know anyone apart from the host.
His friend, Charlene and her 3 year old son were staying there for the holiday weekend, as well as Miguel’s mate, Rick, who is currently living in the front room for the time being. Later on, another friend Chantal turned up. We all feasted on chicken, rice, potato, etc. and chatted about random stuff.
In the late evening, after Chantal had left and the child had gone to bed, we somehow started talking about sex. I would call myself “open-minded” about sex, although I don’t sleep around I’m quite open to hearing about other’s exploits and adventures… Charlene was rather more forthcoming about her activities, boasting about oral sex, anal sex, sex during her period, female ejaculation (hers), receiving a lapdance from a girl in a stripclub, getting caught being naughty with a fella behind a curtain in the aforementioned nightclub, etc. Somehow she assumed that I was equally sexually active and was rather embarrassed when I later revealed that I haven’t been serious with a guy for a few years (though I dated a couple of times last year).
The discussion ventured onto the subject of “size”. Miguel and Charlene were adamant that it had to be big (at least 7 inches), as a hetero guy Rick didn’t express an opinion, and I told them that size didn’t matter to me, I was more concerned with other issues. Charlene didn’t believe me at first, but Miguel confirmed that I was looking for a deeper connection in a love interest.
I had fun and I didn’t want to leave, but I left at 11.45pm. Luckily the tube was still running and it didn’t take too long for me to get home.
Today, I haven’t done a thing. I’ve got two more days of freedom, I’m going to enjoy them. Over and out.