Virtual New Year’s Party

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008 | Posted in fun

New Year Clock

I have an invitation to attend a party on New Year’s Day, but no actual plans for New Year’s Eve. I intend to just relax, and think about my plans for 2009. If you’ve decided not to join everyone else at the party of the year, you can meet up with me here for a chat about whatever comes to mind.

I’ll have an instant message box set up here by 10pm GMT (click here for your local time), and will be available for a chat until at least 1am.

If you think you might be able to attend, please RSVP in the comments so I’ll know how many chicken wings to pick up from the supermarket. :mrgreen:


Sunday, February 10th, 2008 | Posted in music, my life

The weather in London has been surprising mild this week for February. The sun is shining, and it’s kind of unsettling. I’m not complaining though, just saying.

The Chinese New Year Celebrations in Soho should be really nice today.

Vid: Sun is Shining (remix) by Bob Marley

It’s my grandma’s birthday today so I’m going to see her for a few hours.

Happy Year of the Rat

Thursday, February 7th, 2008 | Posted in fun, movies

Ziyi and I would like to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year. I hope that the Year of the Rat will bring you joy and prosperity. (I hope it brings J.D. the gift of sanity.)

Zhang Ziyi

Vid 1: The Beauty Dance from House of Flying Daggers

A rare beauty in the north,
She’s the finest lady on earth,
A glance from her,
The whole city goes down,
A second glance,
leaves the whole nation in ruins,
There exists no city or nation,
That has been more cherished,
Than a beauty like this

Vid 2: The Scarf Dance from House of Flying Daggers, with a surprising ending…

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 | Posted in Eye Candy, music

2008 tree new year by jessica

And as a special treat, here’s my diva of the week, Kylie, performing Can’t get you out of my head live at the Brit Awards a few years ago. (I know, any excuse to show Kylie…)

I shall dedicate this post to my new buddy Matthew, the Westcoast Walker, fellow Kylie admirer.

Goodbye 2007

Monday, December 31st, 2007 | Posted in my life

It’s been an interesting year for me. I returned to part-time work, and aimed to become more fulfilled generally

When I look back on certain years, I sometimes notice that a particular activity had dominated my thoughts:

1997: Spanish language and culture

2000: music performance (singing)

2001: Middle-eastern dance and music

2003: African drumming

2005: writing

2007: blogging

So now I wonder what will be my primary focus in 2008. I would like to continue blogging, and to start writing fiction again. I would also like to make music again, just as a hobby.

I’ve decided not to make any formal resolutions, as I never keep them for more than a few days. My main goal for the coming months is to lose some of my excess weight. I think that a good initial goal would be to lose 10% of my body fat, then take it from there. I have the tools to lose the weight, I just need to work out an exercise routine and food guidelines that I can live with for the long term.

new years resolutions

So what about you?

New Year Votes: I’m not using this polling script anymore, so I’ve saved the results in this image.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Sunday, February 18th, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

I hope the Year of the Boar will be fruitful and enlightening for us all. I’m planning to enjoy the celebrations in central London this afternoon.


Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007 | Posted in Uncategorized

Yesterday I went to my friend Miguel’s place for a New Year’s get-together. He had invited a few of his other friends for food and relaxation. I was rather nervous, as I usually am when going to such an event where I don’t know anyone apart from the host.

His friend, Charlene and her 3 year old son were staying there for the holiday weekend, as well as Miguel’s mate, Rick, who is currently living in the front room for the time being. Later on, another friend Chantal turned up. We all feasted on chicken, rice, potato, etc. and chatted about random stuff.

In the late evening, after Chantal had left and the child had gone to bed, we somehow started talking about sex. I would call myself “open-minded” about sex, although I don’t sleep around I’m quite open to hearing about other’s exploits and adventures… Charlene was rather more forthcoming about her activities, boasting about oral sex, anal sex, sex during her period, female ejaculation (hers), receiving a lapdance from a girl in a stripclub, getting caught being naughty with a fella behind a curtain in the aforementioned nightclub, etc. Somehow she assumed that I was equally sexually active and was rather embarrassed when I later revealed that I haven’t been serious with a guy for a few years (though I dated a couple of times last year).

The discussion ventured onto the subject of “size”. Miguel and Charlene were adamant that it had to be big (at least 7 inches), as a hetero guy Rick didn’t express an opinion, and I told them that size didn’t matter to me, I was more concerned with other issues. Charlene didn’t believe me at first, but Miguel confirmed that I was looking for a deeper connection in a love interest.

I had fun and I didn’t want to leave, but I left at 11.45pm. Luckily the tube was still running and it didn’t take too long for me to get home.

Today, I haven’t done a thing. I’ve got two more days of freedom, I’m going to enjoy them. Over and out.


Sunday, December 31st, 2006 | Posted in reading

It’s about 3.40am. I should be sleeping, but I’m not tired yet. Last night I had some freaky dreams, so freaky that I’m afraid to divulge their contents in public. I guess the book I’d just finished reading about Carl Jung (and his mentor Freud) had some influence on my night-time ruminations.

I’m currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami. It’s the second book of his that I’ve encountered. It’s so easy to read, yet so meaningful. He makes the unbelieveable seem logical and real. I’ve had a couple of WTF! moments, but they haven’t stopped my enjoyment of the story so far. He’s taking me on a wild adventure. I’m a voyeur, observing the strangeness which exists just beyond.

So, 2006 is nearly over. I’m thinking about venturing down to central London with a mate to take some pics of the New Year fireworks and to watch Big Ben chime at midnight in person. Afterwards I’ll probably walk to my bruv’s house and sleep over there. I haven’t been to a New Year’s rave in a few years; as a non-drinker, I feel a bit distant from the boozing masses. However, I do like to dance, so a nightclub is preferable to a pub. I was thinking about going to a salsa club, but I don’t know if that’s going to be an option for tonight. We’ll see.

In case I don’t post again before midnight, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year. I’m not sure about making official new year resolutions, but I know my goals, so I just need to make them happen in 2007. How about you folks - any resolutions/wishes/goals/spells/delusions?
