Dr M and Becca have tagged me for this meme, but I shall do it only once. It involves answering the questions then adding your own question at the end.

Four jobs I’ve had or currently have in my life:
1. My first job was in McDonalds. I lasted 4 days. Getting oil burns on my arms and being sworn at wasn’t my idea of fun.
2. When I was 18 or 19 I worked part-time in a cinema. It was fantastic, I watched so many films while I was there. The projectionist was a complete psycho, but everyone else was really nice.
3. When I was 21 I worked in a library. I loved being around all those books, and I actually lost weight while I was there as I was always on the move.
4. Now I’m working as an Administrator in a counselling centre.
Four countries I have been to:
1. USA
2. Egypt
3. Madeira
4. Spain
Four places I’d rather be right now:
1. Japan
2. Scotland
3. Brazil
4. Tesco (supermarket)
Four foods I like to eat:
1. Dumplings (fried, boiled, in soup, whatever)
2. Biscuits
3. Crunchy-nut cornflakes (with or without milk)
4. Chocolate
Four personal heroes, past or present:
1. My mum
2. Mariah Carey
3. Josephine Baker
4. Constance Briscoe - I’ve just finished reading her autobiography and it amazed me.
Four books you’ve just read or are currently reading:
1. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
2. Ugly by Constance Briscoe
3. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
4. The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Four words or phrases you would like to see used more often:
1. irreverent revelry
2. shot put
3. Russian kettle-bells
4. meaty men/man
My question: Four singers/musicians/bands that you like:
1. Ella Fitzgerald
2. Candy Dulfer
3. Missy Elliott
4. Eric Benet
I shall tag:
Sophisticated Writer
Liane Spicer