Friday, March 20th, 2009

29 Sign

A year after 28.

A year can pass so quickly. I really must make the most of the last year of my twenties. Watch this space.

7 Responses to “29”

  1. 1
    Dr. Monkey:

    Happy birthday!

  2. 2

    Thanks, you darling Monkey!

  3. 3

    Welcome to the 29 Club. I joined about a month ago and I’ve been keeping an online diary of sorts: http://michealfoley.com/from-29-to-30-using-12secondstv-twitter-and-more-to-document-it/

  4. 4

    Happy birthday! You know, if you want to get technical, 30 is really the last year of your twenties (21-30), so enjoy your extra year. :wink:

  5. 5

    Happy B-day.

    hope you have a good time your 29 year.

  6. 6
    Captain Incredible:

    Hey, Happy Birthday!

    I’d translate 29 into Neptunian years, but as you know I was never good at Math :grin:

    But have a great weekend and enjoy it!

  7. 7

    Hey Foleymo: Thanks for the welcome - your 29-30 project sounds really cool. I’ll check it out.

    SamuraiFrog: I know what you’re saying, but it doesn’t feel the same to me.

    Hi Semaj: thanks dude.

    Capt: A year on Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years so I’d be just a wee nipper over there. I can’t do the maths either.

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