Liverpool St Dancehall

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

I really enjoyed this viral ad by T-Mobile, which played on the popular flash mobbing phenomenon of the past year or so. I liked how just a small group of people started it off, then increasing numbers of people joined in until the entire concourse was rocking. I also loved the way that the people who were obviously not part of the act joined in too, like the guy with the vertical afro and a couple of elderly women. The music was great, especially that mash potato song which I remember from Dirty Dancing.

How comes nothing like this happens when I’m in a major train station?

2 Responses to “Liverpool St Dancehall”

  1. 1
    Captain Incredible:

    Or me (though probably just as well)…

    Somehow, I can’t imagine something like that happening here.

    It’d be :cool: , though :smile:

  2. 2

    Simply brilliant.

    This reminds me of those flash crowd things that happen around the world.

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