Et tu, Ben?

Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Ben memed me, the brute.


A) The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
B) Each player answers the questions about himself or herself.
C) At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. Ten years ago I was:

Preparing for my A-Level exams (I got a B in Spanish, C in English Lang/Lit and D in Sociology - I dropped French at the last minute)
Working weekends in a wholesaler’s
Having complicated friendships
Preparing to go to university…

2. Five things on today’s to do list:

Write a few blog posts
Write to my American penpal
Tidy my room
Prepare some items for ebay

3. Things I’d do if I were a billionaire:

Buy myself a house in Bayswater or Battersea
Pay off my mum’s and brother’s mortgages
Give some away to good causes
Have some fun
Disappear for a while

4. Three bad habits:

Eating junk food
Neglecting my appearance
Spending money

5. Five places I’ve lived:

Born in Bedford
Raised in South East London
Now living in Croydon

6. Six jobs I’ve had in my life:

McDonalds Burger Maker (4 days)
General Assistant in a Wholesaler’s (3 years)
Cinema Assistant (1 year)
Box Office Assistant - Arts Centre (3 years)
Office Manager (2 years)
Administrator (1.5 yrs)

I’m not in the mood for tagging anyone, but go ahead if you want a go.

2 Responses to “Et tu, Ben?”

  1. 1

    Done! :)

  2. 2

    Nice to see that you’ve returned to blogging. :mrgreen:

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