TV Show Meme - Play with me

Tuesday, November 20th, 2007

Nicked from BV

a. Post a list of 10-20 TV shows you love (current or cancelled)
b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each show
c. When guessed bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character
d. Post in your own blog. (if you want)

  1. Buffy: Buffy herself - as guessed by BV. She’s strong, funny and has great taste in men.
  2. Angel: Angel/Angelus - as guessed by BV. I especially loved the duality of Angel vs Angelus
  3. Carnivale
  4. Huff
  5. The L Word
  6. Lost: Sayid - as guessed by Becca
  7. Heroes: Peter - as guessed by Becca
  8. Frasier
  9. Criminal Minds
  10. Supernatural: Dean - as guessed by BV. Dean’s the man.
  11. Weeds
  12. Sex and the City
  13. Friends: Joey - as guessed by BV. Joey’s so loveable.
  14. Smallville
  15. The OC
  16. Californication
  17. Entourage
  18. Seinfeld

5 Responses to “TV Show Meme - Play with me”

  1. 1

    I’d be no good at that. Out of the 18, I have only ever seen 3.

  2. 2

    Buffy: Buffy herself.
    Angel: Angel himself

    Huff: Beth
    The L Word: I’m sorry-I can’t get past the unlikely-ness of there being ANY favorite characters on The L Word…

    Frasier : Martin

    Supernatural: Dean, if I’m thinking of the right one.

    Sex and the City: Miranda
    Friends: Joey
    Smallville: Clark.

    Seinfeld: Three guesses: Newman, the Sop Nazi, Kramer.

    I didn’t guess the ones I haven’t seen enough of (or any).

  3. 3

    Nicholas: don’t worry about that - guess for the shows that you know.

    BV: well done, you got several right. :mrgreen:

  4. 4

    What a fun meme! I’ll do some guessing but I bet I’ll be wrong…

    Carnivale I’ll guess Libby …I adore her mom Rita Sue so beautiful.
    Lost could it be Sayid? Did I spell that right? Hmmm…don’t know but Naveem is gorgeous!
    Heroes…I’ll guess Peter
    Entourage how could it not be Ari he’s so damn funny!

    You may see this one on my blog soon!

  5. 5

    Hi Becca,

    You got Lost and Heroes right.

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